Wednesday, August 30, 2006

What to do Wednesday??


1. Watch morning news while I'm reading emails and blogs.
2. Do not succumb to playing that online game that someone sucked you into this weekend.

3. Feed the dogs, feed yourself, ablutions, clean clothes.
4. Do not succumb to playing that online game that someone sucked you into this weekend.

5. Walk the dogs. It feels like a 2 mile morning.
6. Do not succumb to playing that online game that someone sucked you into this weekend.

7. Mow lawn and do some weeding.
8. Do not succumb to playing that online game that someone sucked you into this weekend.

9. Finish sewing those damn flannel squares.
10. Reward yourself by succumbing for one hour.

11. Play tonight at the Willows.
12. Home and one hour of play.

13. To bed by midnight.

Whatcha Doing Today? See above.
What's on TV Tonight? Project Runway. And I've got to Tivo it as I'll be gone.
Steps? Tuesday: 13,369