Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tale of the Scale, Week Two

Sorry, I'm a day late with this. I worked out for 1.5 hours yesterday, then ran errands. By the time I got home, I needed a nice long nap. So goes the time to blog.

Anyway, officially I lost another 1.5 pounds this week. That a total of 3.5 in two weeks.

Bet it would have more, except... I bought the spouser some Halloween hand-out candy (just incase he decided at the last moment to participate this year). It's sitting hidden from him. Unfortunately it's not hidden from me.

It's calling my name.

"Just one tootsie roll can't hurt." it whispers... "

The Reese's Peanut Butter cups look a bit smashed; surely you won't hand those out..."

And so I probably would have had another half-pound loss... but those voices won't shut up.

STEPS YESTERDAY? 6879 steps. But did I mention that 1.5 hour workout?


GOOD/BAD DECISION? Figuring that there would be desert at Pickles, I planned for the carbs and calories during the day. And plugged my ears to the siren song of Snickers..

Whatcha Doing Today? Meeting a friend for coffee; shampooing a chair, walking the dogs, doing 2 loads of laundry. And sewing.