Saturday, December 02, 2006

Digging the Dirt: Late Autumn

The habit of putting a garden bed "to sleep" by Halloween is probably still left over from living in the NE Ohio snowbelt. One learned that we could hear the dreaded words "lake effect snow" in early November. So I am amazed how much is still going on in other people's gardens!

The Irish Craftworker remembered just in time to plant garlic. If your ground isn't completely frozen yet, you can still get some garlic in. Some recommend planting it by the moon phase, but I've heard it is been done on the winter solstice.

Kasmira, too, is excited about a large winter sowing effort. She even pointed out a "how to" resource.

Fluffius Muppetus used found time to garden this time of year. One day last month, it was at 7 am.

Kate is all excited about her 'shrooms. And she explains about the mushroom shown above

The Fly Agaric has been associated with Christmas ornaments and other holiday decor since 1652.
Meanwhile, Nelumbo is planning for spring by planting her "gentle encouragement of earlier flower time by creating artificial conditions." bulbs now.

And crotchety gardener reminds us that winter in the northern hemisphere means summer in the south. In Australia, they are fighting either a major draught or wildfires.

Need a present for a gardener? Garden Rant lists garden book recommendations from Washington Post columnist Joel Lerner. While Heavy Petal shows the absolute cutest stocking stuffer: a Matchstick Garden.

Crossposted at BlogHer