Friday, December 01, 2006

Alone Again

Sunset, 11/18/06

Before the sun rose, I dropped the spouser off at SFO. He is travelling to France and Rotterdam for the next 10 days.

When he travels like this, I have "traditional" behaviors: the first couple days, I become quite antisocial. I might live in the same sweats for 2 days and nights; I eat poorly and what I can grab without thought from the fridge. I clean the house.

While I am in sweats, I'm trying to change the rest of the behavior. I did grab something totally unhealthy to eat, but I didn't eat it. Instead I gave it to the dogs.

I've started the house cleaning though. All the bedding has been stripped and is await it's turn in the washing machine. All the bed pillows have gone through hot water and bleach and are tumbling in the dryer. Did you know that you should wash your pillows to get rid of the dustmites (and dustmite poop)? Hot water with bleach and time in the dryer takes of the little buggers.

Everything else will hang on clothes lines outside to dry in the sunshine (oh, blessed bright light!!). It may take two days to get all the quilts and blankets laundered and dried, but it will be worth it.

Tonight, I will head to bed in the company of the dogs. We will all curl up on the bed like a cozy pack. A cozy pack with freshly laundered blankies! I will get to read in bed (something I can't do when the spouser is home... yeah, that's another post). Probably wearing the same sweats.

Tomorrow I'll wake up and yeah, pull on the same clothes. After breakfast, though, I'll head to gym for a workout and maybe call a friend for a coffee.

When some part of your normal everyday life changes, how do you respond?

CALORIES YESTERDAY? 1756 (yeah, higher than it's supposed to be)
GOOD/BAD DECISION? french fries for supper?? what was I thinking?