Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Disaster Strikes Chez Roby!!

Disaster Struck Chez Roby Tuesday evening! One of my favorite "take a minute" activities is going out on the deck, plopping my butt down in our porch swing and swinging for a minute or twenty. It's shady, the view is great and I can stop and think. Or not.

Tuesday, the spouser was enjoying the very same activity when CRASH, BOOM, BANG! And he was sitting at an angle on the deck.

Yep, the swing took a bit of a break of it's own. That is, the hook that holds the swing into the beams snapped into three pieces and one side of the swing fell down. It's only been one day, but I miss my swing time. Hopefully we figure out a fix this weekend. The hardware you see here:

should be hanging somewhere in the air.