Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tale of the Scale: 5/29

No change is weight. Again.

Damn, this is getting frustrating. I must admit, when I look at myself after my shower, I seem more toned. I even saw some indication of where a couple ribs lie below the skin. And some "dimpling" of the skin that makes me think things are leaning up a bit. Maybe I'm building more lean muscle and that's why the scale isn't moving. THAT would make me happy.

I kicked those negative thoughts to the curb last week; I ate right along the line all week; I worked out 5 days, including 3 weight sessions. Everything I'm supposed to do. Everything that resulted in 1.5# losses every week for about 6 weeks in a row.

I'm praying for the lean muscle mass. If that's not the answer, then I don't know what to do next. One of the trainers suggested doing some interval training to shake things up. I think tomorrow I'll spend my cardio time on the rowing machine. Another way to shake things up.

Guido called in sick today (sounded like post-holiday food poisoning...), so today was cardio that kicked my butt and stabilization moves. Tomorrow will repeat today and Thursday will be a full weight training session with Guido.

With only next week left before I go on vacation for 2 weeks, I'm hoping for a session that's only teaching me some core moves I can do easily on the cruise.. plus a full weight/BMI analysis next week. Then two weeks of walking all over the Mediterranean.
