Tale of the Scale: This one's for Suzanne
Weight: holding steady at 125#. Since I've only been back working regularly in the gym for about a week, this is good. At this point I only need some rather stubborn belly fat, which I understand is the hardest stuff to get rid of. Patience is my test.
Plan for week of 8/26:
Sunday: personal workout. 1/2 hour each of cardio, stability and weights.
Monday: cardio: 45 minutes and stretching.
Tuesday: workout with Guido. Supersets all around.
Wednesday: Same as Monday.
Thursday: workout with Guido. He's going to surprise me.
Friday: rest (thank goodness).
Saturday: rest and stretching.
The rest of this is for Suzanne. Because she asked nicely. Suzanne wrote this article for BlogHer called the Swimsuit Brigade for Honest Photos. She showed herself (strong, healthy, fit woman that she is) in her own swimsuit. As fit as she is, she did not resemble at all the models in catalogs and magazines wearing these suits.
And she asked that we all go out and take our own photos in our swimsuits and post them on our blogs. Here I am wearing my 5 year old tankini:
Care to join me? Post your photo on your blog and tag it:Swimsuit Brigade.
swimsuit brigade