Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Tale of the Scale: 1/7/08

My doctor's visit showed a fasting weight of 122.5#. Close enough to my goal weight that I'm happy with it. From this point onward, I'm not commenting on my weight unless there is something happening that week that makes it important. The weight loss part of my fitness movement is OVER.

I'm going back to working with my trainer, so one of the first things we'll do is the weight and measure thing. I'm curious to see what my measurements are and a little curious to see the fat to lean ratio. Curious, but that's all.

I've spent a lot of time this past week working on a fitness article for BlogHer: When I Believe, I Can. I'm not going to republish it here, though. Just let it sit pretty where it lives today. But, please, go read it.

The end of this month a companion piece will join it: Rediscovering Deb. That piece will be about the emotional changes that have taken place because of the physical changes.

I also blog at: A Stitch In Time throughout the week and BlogHer on Mondays and Saturdays