Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tale of The Scale: 1/2/07

A fabulous sunrise this morning. (this is an unedited image.. that was the color of the sky). Certainly a portent of a great year!!

OK, Tale of the Scale this week. No noticable changes since last week. The scale seems to be the same and the body measurements I took still show a total of 8" loss. I'd be bummed, except my clothes are fitting better and my mood is definately improved.

Had a workout with Guido today; we worked out hard, and several times I knew I would have quit on my own. Guess what? He's caught on to me.. and simply tells me I'm staying there until I do what I need to do. No excuses this year.

This will be so good for me.

The plan for this week:

  • continue eating 1500 calories or so a day (50% carbs; 25% protein; 25% fat).
  • aerobic workouts: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.
  • weight training: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday.
  • stability and balance: every friggin' day.